You are 100% spot on for the need of routine maintenance. Whatever happened to the days of apprenticeship and basic routine maintenance, even a simple annual on each pedestal can eliminate a lot of broken fix, cleaning and lubrication is cheaper , a little no-ox goes a long way.

A simple guess would be greed, followed by ignorance themselves because no one showed them what is needed, then laziness. We visit on average 50 campgrounds a year with our RV and I have seen some that we just pulled out and left because i would not even try plugging into a bent over, rusted ped, with half a cover, being told by the manager, it worked fine for the last RV.

Wishing you the best of luck getting those camp owners to take action.

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Thank You for the photo and the reasoning.

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Aluminum makes a good sacrificial anode for steel.

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Put together an intro for campgrounds that we as customers can hand out

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Possible caustic rainwater, Al does not like caustic pH solutions

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Perhaps… Note that the copper ground conductor at the bottom doesn’t seem to be affected.

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