Weekly Digest 5/25/24
Live Webinar Poll, Disconnecting Batteries, New Hot-Skin Voltage Cause, Missed Webinar Link, Live Webinar on Off-Grid Without a Generator, A Bullet Is Not a Fuse, The Summer of Testing...
What’s the best day and time for Webinars?
I’ll begin presenting monthly video webinars on a variety of topics. What day and time is the best for you? These webinars will be recorded for later playback. Please leave a comment if you think some other day or time is better.
Disconnecting Series/Parallel Batteries
New Hot-Skin Voltage Cause!
I just discovered this wiring mistake can be a hot-skin fault current source
In case you missed my webinar yesterday
There was a problem with the auto-reminder app that failed to send notifications
My Live Webinar Today at 3:00pm EDT
We'll be covering Lithium, Solar, DC-DC charging, Residential Fridges, Amps, Watts, and more...
Don’t Fix a Blown Fuse With a Bullet!
And no, I’m not making this up…
The Summer of Testing!
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play!
Weekly Digest 5/19/24
Let’s play safe out there… Mike