Yes, a 3-way adapter plug will work for that situation.

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This may be incredibly obvious but here goes...

Bruce mentions making coffee (which was one of the primary reasons we installed an inverter). If that is the main concern, then he could of course plug the coffee maker directly into his All Powers unit.

We wired our Magnum Energy MS2000 to be a whole-house inverter, so I completely understand that desire, but for anyone stuck without a 3-way adapter and a Neutral-Ground bonding plug that's a (probably very obvious) option.

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Hey Mike thanks for your answer to this question. When I plug our camper into my iGen 2500 inverter generator I use the N-G bonding plug in one outlet and plug the surge suppressor into the other 110v outlet which works fine but uses bough available outlets. Would using the 3 way adapter work in my situation also? Thanks for your time and knowledge in keeping us safe out here.

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