
You should attend my Town Hall webinar next Thursday and become part of the discussion.

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Mike, I have to point out, that the issue of fair usage/payment for usage, as asked in the survey, really has nothing to do with the issue initially stated: ie that campgrounds are fighting to keep up with the overall electricity useage. Meters would allow individual users to pay more or less for their specific useage, but that only pays for the electricity itself. My understanding is that campgrounds are not allowed by law in most states from adding on to the charge for power, but have to just pass it through. So now, not only has no money come in to pay for the upgrades to their power distribution system, but you have the added cost of the meters themselves, as well as staff time for administration of the power charges.

I would separate this issue into 3 things:

1. Is it worth the cost of metering to differentiate between roughly (in my best guess as a high user in a fully electric RV with 3 A/C-HP units and using an average of $5 per day) $0 and $5?

2. Should there be an additional charge for charging electric vehicles which as I understand things could use ~$15 in electricity?

3. How should the campgrounds fund upgrading their power distribution systems?

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