Hi Mike. Great stuff! I'm enjoying your posts. Regarding the danger of reverse polarity, I've realized recently that there is another hazard associated with it, and that it switches. Most switches break the hot connection, and if the polarity is reversed, then a switch that normally breaks the hot connection now breaks the neutral, so the load is still hot. Something as simple as a light bulb socket could them present a dangerous shock hazard.

Keep up the great work!

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Thanks very much. Have you read my article on Reverse Polarity Bootleg Grounds? Take a look at the sidebars about RPBG dangers on stage and in the studio.


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So Mike, a question about clamp DMMs, and perhaps a warning to your readers. I have a Klein CL380, which I have used for several years. All of a sudden, the voktage measurement is totally unreliable getting a various times 61 v, 80, and 100v for a 120 circuit, checked with other meters. The only thing of note, is that the replacement for it (an ideal) says not to have the leads plugged in while using the clamps. I went back to the Klein book, and that warning was there too, just missed it. I know I cannot trust the Klein anymore, but wondered what you guess might have occurred, and whether it is related to having the leads plugged in while using the clamp. The clamp SEEMS to be giving me OK data similar to other meters. I also replaced the batteries to no change.

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Wonder. Although no reverse polarity and good wired rv best, could tiny bit or extra safety be having a rubber mat to step on b4 step on steps or touch the rig. Thinking in rare case my EMS might not function correctly. Avoids standing on wet and touching rig?

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I think checking with a Non-Contact Voltage Tester for a Hot-Skin Voltage would be a better solution since it would protect everyone else as well as yourself.

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