In russ comment about connecting a jumper wire from the pos terminal to the neg terminal. What gauge wire is used?

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Great information, our 2016 Subaru Forester has something like that on the positive battery post. I've jumped it several times & I did use the positive battery post as those connections were not really accessible! I can see someone using the other ones though! Those fuses in the photo look replaceable but not something I would normally have in your extra fuses.

Thanks Mike


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Thanks Mike for sharing this failure mode and providing the picture. I haven’t seen a positive battery connection with multiple fuses and distribution cables like that before. Is this a common practice? It seems to me not a good idea to locate multiple fuses in the positive battery connector. It is obviously confusing to someone needing to jump start the vehicle but also a place for dirt and corrosion to accumulate. Do you think they didn’t have any space to locate a fuse box (or distribution power center as it were) elsewhere?

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