Here’s your chance to help me plan out the topics to cover in 2023. I can write about everything electrical in a RV or campground. So this list could include all of the following, plus more:
Portable generators
Solar panels
Lithium batteries
DC/DC chargers
12-volt refrigerators
Ask-the-Expert webcasts
Campground power
Hot-skin voltage
Multi-meters and clamp meters
Basic electrical theory
EV trucks
EV charging at campgrounds,
And even things like the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore Labs where they’re working on a practical fusion reactor to power all our electric gadgets.
So please leave a comment with want you want to learn in 2023 and I’ll come up a schedule. Of course, things can change quickly at times, so I might zig or zag as need be. But once I have a better idea of your desired topics I can start assembling a syllabus for the next year.
Thanks for your input - Mike Sokol
Short circuit post was great
Multi-meters is my choice to master!