RVelectricity Weekly Digest 2/2/25
Miswired 3-Phase Pedestals, 30 or 50-Amp Twist-Lock, Advanced Pedestal Testing, Open Neutral Dangers, My 2025 Seminars, Reducing Metered Billing...
Miswired 3-Phase Pedestals
Is it a 30- or 50-amp twist-lock?
Doesn’t a 50-amp twist lock need 4 prongs? Wrong!
Advanced Pedestal Testing
More info on using the Extech CT70 outlet tester on a campground outlets
A Reminder of Open Neutral Dangers
Never trust a new pedestal in an old campground...
My Growing List of 2025 Seminars
Here's my list of On-line and On-site RVelectricity Seminars ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Reducing RV’s Metered Billing
Is there any way to plug in RV appliances that will save on metered power?
RVelectricity Weekly Digest 1/26/25
Electric Clothes Dryer, Long Pedestal Power, 3-Phase Rotation, 150-Amp Pedestals,