It appears that my first video on multimeter usage was a big success. Over 700 of you watched it on Christmas Eve and Day, and there were dozens of likes and positive comments.
If you missed this video the first time, here it is again…
I think the 10-minute time is the correct length, especially if I keep the basics in the first half of the video, and then show some actual troubleshooting procedures in the second half. And note that this first video was Part-A on the basics of AC voltage measurements. Multimeters can measure a lot more than AC volts.
Here’s the syllabi for the next three videos
If all goes well I’ll be able to post one 10-minute video per week on multimeter use which will include demonstrations on measuring DC Voltage, Resistance and Amperage.
I have lots of fun designing and building desktop electrical demonstrations, and I’m a firm believer in hands-on teaching. Here’s what my desktop test pedestal looks like. It makes split-phase power from a wall outlet that I can adjust from zero up to 140/280 volts with a VariAC transformer.
Plus I use PowerPoint presentations with a lot of graphics and pictures that help keep me on track. I have a teleprompter on my desk, but I really don’t like to use it for this kind of training
I’m adding chapters to the videos
Finally, per your request I’m adding chapters to these videos so it’s easy to find and jump to the individual topics.
Please leave your comments and suggestions below on future video topics.
Lets play (and study) safe out there… Mike
great and very understandable. Thanks